Orange Cat Flooring

At Orange Cat Flooring, we are the go-to flooring contractor in Atlanta, with expertise in hardwood flooring installation, refinishing, and repair. With over 10 years of experience, we handle all your flooring needs, including laminate flooring, tile, and carpet installation. We also provide complete bathroom and kitchen remodelling services. Our skilled team guarantees quality and precision in every project, making your space beautiful and functional.

Get in touch with us today to discuss your flooring project, and trust us to bring your vision to life.

Orange Cat Flooring LLC
2170 Medfield Trail NE, Atlanta GA 30345
Phone: 404-936-7155
Web: https://orangecatflooring.com
Email: orangecatfloorig@protonmail.com
Open: Monday-Friday, 8AM–6PM
Map: https://maps.app.goo.gl/dNyFy78Pkkd63tfh7